Thursday, 22 September 2016

Mise-en-scene and location ideas

Mise-en-scene is a French word for everything that is placed within a scene, such as props, characters, costumes, location, lighting.

Some of the mise-en-scene and location ideas I have for my college magazine are:
  • On my magazine I would like to photos outside each of the buildings making sure the name of each building is in the photo, because there is always different things going on each of the buildings, so by having a photo outside each of the buildings could be good for the magazine becasue it could cover what has being happening in each of the buildings and have the photo next to the text to show people which building the text is on about.
  • Some of the props that will be included in the photos that I take will be books or some other form of text book that shows the name wyke on it, because the magazine is a college magazine and that is the college I go to.
  •  Some of the costumes I would like to have included in my magazine would be a two of the boys wearing their Wyke football kit, because the football team at Wyke is a big part of the college and recently the teams have been anmounced so it is recent news for my magazine cover. 
  • The lighting I would like my photos to have on my magazine cover would have to be natural sun light, because I don't want my pictures to be taken in the dark because it gives a negative connotation of wyke college, whereas if i had natural sunlight used as my lighting for the pictures I take hopefully it will make the photos look brighter and give off a positive connotation of wyke college.
  • Some of the other characters I want to use on my magazine front cover are a student holding their results and smiling, because at college the main aim for evryone to get the best results they can, so by including this photo of the magazine cover it will remind everyone what they're here to achieve and once they have achieved their results it shows them how happy it can make them.

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